

Building the commercial team that could help them scale and enable them to move forward with their next raise.

Case Study Highlights

At Sales for Startups, we worked with Howamigoing to build a robust commercial team, aimed at scaling the business and preparing for a significant funding round. By leveraging deep data analysis and enhancing the sales process, we realigned their sales, marketing, and customer success structure, targeted a specific employee market, and significantly increased leads and pricing. These strategies led to securing five corporate customers across four continents and helped Howamigoing secure $1.1 million in Seed funding in just four months.


Increase in weekly leads

$1.1 Million

in Seed Funding over 4 months


Corporate clients signed over 6 months



HowamIgoing helps with employee retention through anonymous 360 feedback and a public praise platform founded by Julian Cook.

Having secured their first two customers with an MVP and angel investment the target was to raise a $1million in Seed funding within the next 6 months. After failing to gain traction through an interim Head of Sales, Julian approached Sales for Startups to get support building the commercial team that could help them scale and enable them to move forward with their next raise.



Through deep data analysis and our discovery workshops the Sales for Startups team identified a number of opportunities to improve the platform, as well as build better foundations for the sales team and their processes, while implementing key marketing strategies for startups. 

We set up sales-enabling technology in the business, redefined the process and updated the qualification criteria. We also updated pricing, trained the sales team and developer a partner lead generation campaign.



“Sales for Startups have given us the foundations to scale. Their influence, advice and input into all aspects of the company including product, marketing, sales, customer success and talent have been invaluable and enabled us to get to the next milestone. After securing Seed funding earlier than expected, we’re ready to go to the next level.”


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