

Developing an effective sales and commercial function for the business.

Case Study Highlights

With Avvoka, our focus was on enhancing their sales and commercial functions, addressing bottlenecks in their sales process, and optimising their strategy for faster growth. We helped structure their sales operations, facilitated their first sales hire, and refined their process to accelerate annual subscriptions, which led to signing their first enterprise deal and significantly reducing their sales cycle.


Increase in enterprise account spend in 90 days

35 Day

Decrease in sales cycle

5 New

Corporate clients of Allen & Overy



Avvoka is a technology company that decreases the amount of manual entry needed to create and agree a contract between clients and partners. Co-Founders David Howorth and Eliot Benzecrit are both former lawyers who were referred to Sales for Startups to support with developing an effective sales and commercial function for the business.

David and Eliot wanted help on structuring their sales operations, including making their first sales hire. They also wanted to make sure their processes enabled them to consistently win new business and build on the momentum of early referrals in their pipeline.



The Sales for Startups team started with an audit to get to the root of any challenges. Through deep data analysis and initial discovery workshops, we found out that they had a bottleneck in their sales process. They had an initial demo which moved into a pilot phase, but the business had the opportunity to then sign these customers to annual subscriptions more quickly. The team also supported the founders to qualify key opportunities and effectively market their value proposition to customers.

With the desire to hire a Sales Executive the Sales for Startups team supported with the development of a clear plan for the role, an onboarding schedule, contracts and commission.

We also identified that the business had the opportunity to close deals that were already in the pipeline, including signing and tripling one of their existing prospects.



“Sales for Startups are really different from a typical consultancy as they went that extra mile to truly understand our business and added value at every turn. After our workshop, we came away with some exciting ideas and some actions that we could implement the next day. That’s why Sales for Startups were perfect.”


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